Saturday, 25 February 2017

Entrepreneur from India yearned to be useful

"Once Upon In India" Project takes off
An Entrepreneur from India yearned to earn a living and make himself useful for the world around him. This Project "Once Upon In India" covers 'Boy Slender Frame', his 'Slender Frame Enterprises' under which lie all works of BSF.
BSF is an avatar of the entrepreneur actually. Another avatar of the protagonist is 'Brief Takes'. So 'Once Upon In India' will cover BSF (Boy Slender Frame), SFE (Slender Frame Enterprises), BT (Brief Takes), entrepreneur himself of course (initials are SV, name comes later), 'Decent Guerilla' (marketing entity of BSF), 'Spreading Thin' (marketing entity of protagonist), 'Nimble Footed' (marketing entity of SFE), and whatever else gets created. SFE includes the 'Architecture' and the 'Internet' works of the protagonist, the entrepreneur.
Architecture is divided into SVA (full form to come later), Environs, and another one to be disclosed later. Internet is broadly divided into 'Tripodot' and 'Ether Domains' (ED). ED further covers many projects.
So 'Once Upon In India' might become a marketing entity for the protagonist himself and all his works, his world. OUI shall include the personal stuff of the entrepreneur. OUI may also do something else, on the fringes only though. It is not detailed yet. :-)
Once Upon In India was needed. It covers everything. It is supposed to encompass or embrace everything .. of / by / for / from / pertaining to / regarding .. the entrepreneur, this protagonist. OUI shall serve as end point marketing for everything within. Reverse mention or marketing may happen, but rarely. :-) Reverse Marketing implies, for instance, that one or more of the various works echo what OUI says or writes.

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